Tuesday, 11 February 2014

The 8th Bead Soup Blog Party

Yes Yes Yes!!! I am all signed up for the 8th Bead Soup Blog Party.
This is the third time I have entered and hopefully it will be another fantastic hop.
Just in case you don't know about the event. The wonderful Lori from 
is the organizer and she pairs you up with another person somewhere in the world. You send your partner a focal, a clasp and a bowl ( a soup) of beads.
Then on the reveal date ( this year the 3rd of May) you publish on your blog the bowl of beadsoup you received and the jewellery you made from it. I always have such fun making things from my soup because you work with items you would not necessarily choose for yourself.

I always use fabric in my designs. The previous year I made 

And this scarf necklace for my first ever Bead Soup

I usually use vintage and antique items for my designs

although in this necklace I did not use any fabric other than a antique piece of lace in the silver purse. 
 I wrapped the lace round a scrap of paper with a little poem on it. The necklace was sold at Bucks Open Studio's.
I am very busy with workshops at the moment but I will be back soon with more designs.
