Monday, 22 June 2015

I am Back!!!

It has been such a long time since I last posted but a lot has happened since then. All good things!
I have a new website and also a new STUDIO!!
The workshops that were held here in my house had outgrown my kitchen and the dining table so a re-think was needed.

A new garden Studio was created! 

And what a wonderful place to create it has become.
Lots of lovely Ladies , Gentlemen and children have already had fun in the new studio

The workshops now have a Blog all of their own 
This the place where you will find photos of the wonderful creations made in the workshops in the Studio

the things I make on 

All this has not been able without all the support of my family. Paul for his support and  
 all his hard work, ably assisted by sons Mark and Oliver. Daughter Saskia for  setting up Mailchimp, the new Facebook pages... what will I do in September when you are leaving home again.   
Thanks to Maggie for the website, Sebastian for the photos, Maria for being a good supportive friend,  and most of all to Clare for
believing in me and creating the most wonderful garden around the new Studio.
